Due to the need for social distancing during this time, we will not host our Shamanic Drum Circle in person for the months of April and May.
To stay connected and continue the work our society and our planet needs, we will post a journey on the first Wednesday of the month so we can journey from the safety of our own homes. We can connect in spirit by journeying at 6:30 p.m. If that's not possible for you, please journey on your own, when your schedule allows. When you return safely from your journey to Ordinary Reality, please share your experience in the comments below. If you prefer not to share, just type PASS in the comment field. It would be nice to know how many of us participate! APRIL 2020 JOURNEY: Please read instructions above. Tonight we are going deeper into surrender. Forgive them, even when they are not sorry. Let them be right, if that's what they need. Send them love and send them off. Don't tie yourself to small-mindedness, it will steal your well-being. Denise Levatoff said "To speak of sorrow moves it from it's crouched place barring the way to the soul's hall." Your sorrow unexpressed, kept paved over, blocks the way to your soul. Give voice to that grief, to validate it and to let it speak to you. Let it crack open your heart and in those cracks, let the light shine through to reveal a generous and caring heart, to see your courage. In the speaking of your grief, outrage and sorrow, when you speak the sorrow, possibly...look to see that the sorrow you speak....when you look at our world today....possibly, that sorrow is bigger than you. This thought does not in any way diminish your personal sorrow. wondering, wondering if some of the sorrow in the world is the sorrow of others? The sorrow of refugees, burnt land, homeless animals, the sick and dying...all the images and reports we receive into our hearts.You perhaps are speaking your sorrow and the sorrow of others. Once you open the door to your grief, outrage and sorrow...there is the world, right there. For we are of the world, we are nature and then you are in a terrain the exceeds your previous notions of your delimited self. The journey tonight is one where you and your power animal, or teacher will journey into the lower or upper world to find your grief, rage and sorrow. To sit with it and through your power animal or teacher - have a conversation in the language of love & light for understanding and forgiveness. Then, in agreement with permission, transmute your grief, outrage and sorrow into light. If you do not reach a place of agreement and permission and readiness for transmuting, that is okay, this reflects the need for more understanding. More conversation.